Thursday, July 24, 2008

Chargebacks Suck for the Honest Seller!

There are many sites which speak out on
behalf of the consumer? What about when
an honest hard working seller/ service provider
such as myself gets a fraudulent claim which
freezes (temporarily takes out of account)
funds which were rightfully received because
the buyer has the hair brain idea that they
don't like you for whatever reason and are PO'd?

I have a $1,000 disputed for a website I did a
killer job on and because I "rubbed this lady the
wrong way" post completion to suite she cut off
contact with me and filed this claim. I even tried
to make amends to no avail. It may take
up to 100 days for me to get the freeze/ hold off
so in the meantime my PayPal account (my only
means of receiving payment from clients) is cut off
as a viable source.

Are there any precautions for this lady? There
sure ought to be serious ones.

Please sign this petition to get change in motion: